Friday, May 23, 2008

Gemini Personality

Gemini Personality
From LoveToKnow Horoscopes
Ruled by the planet Mercury, the Gemini personality has a duality that others find charming and frustrating in equal amounts. People born between May 21 and June 21 are included in the mutable air sign of Gemini.

Adventurous, youthful, independent Gemini!

General Gemini Personality Traits
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Gemini people have quick minds, and constantly seek out new knowledge. Most Gemini prefer to learn by doing. They love to see the world, meet as many people as they can, and have as many experiences as possible. They are not homebodies, but energetic and adventurous souls that remain youthful throughout their lives.
Gemini tends to be the life of any party with lively mannerisms, a quick wit, and the ability to embellish a story about the most mundane experience and make it seem magical. Gemini personalities crave the limelight and know how to keep it shining in their direction.
People born under this astrological sign seem at home in almost any situation because of their ability to adapt to new things. This is a by-product of their love of novelty and the famous Gemini independence that keeps them from becoming too attached to a particular set of circumstances.
The Downside
Gemini is the sign of duality; the other side of the Gemini personality can be brooding and sometimes even mean. A Gemini can go from being a delightful companion to a moody antagonist in very short period of time. When this happens, it is best to just walk away and leave that person to his/her dark mood.
An ability to accept opposite circumstances and their love of new concepts can, at times, make Geminis indecisive. If making a decision becomes too difficult and boring, Gemini may just simply walk away to find new and more pleasant circumstances.
Independence and restlessness can make the Gemini personality seem superficial to others. Geminis are charming to all people that they meet, and do not seem to show special favor to anyone. Their attention can seem arbitrary when they become bored and decide to move on.
Gemini as a Child
This precocious little star will be a handful for his parents! Gemini children pay very close attention to the world they live in, and learn to master its circumstances at an early age. Their love of communication and attention to life's little details make them brilliant conversationalists at an early age.
Gemini children have a wiry, kinetic nature that keeps them moving constantly. It is best to have many structured activities for them to do to keep their energy directed in a focused way. If they are allowed to become disinterested and are left to their own devices, you may find that they have dismantled the blender or gone backpacking without you!
Gemini as Romantic Partners
Not for the faint of heart, Gemini requires an intelligent, adaptable, and tolerant mate. You will never be bored with a Gemini partner; they are always seeking a new adventure. By the same token, you will need to be imaginative and clever, and be able to adapt to the ever changing environment created by this sign. If you are unable to keep up, the Gemini personality will grow weary of the relationship and move on.
Gemini as Workers
If the job is interesting and appealing, the Gemini will get more done before lunch than his co-workers will accomplish all week. If the task at hand seems mundane and boring, he will procrastinate for a short time before moving on to a more challenging career.
Gemini personalities love to be informed about all that is going on at the work place, they will look to their co-workers for input and advice. In spite of their insistence on being in the limelight, they are great team players.
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