Friday, May 23, 2008

Aquarius Personality

Aquarius Personality
Looking for a little insight about your Aquarius personality traits? Perhaps someone you know is an Aquarius and you just want to understand that person better. No matter what your reasons may be, here is some Aquarius information that is sure to help.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer
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The Aquarian symbol of the water bearer, a depiction of a man carrying two buckets of water, does not mean that those born under this sign are destined to serve others (the act of bringing water to people). Quite to the contrary, the Aquarian carries water in order to cleanse and make new. The water is more symbolic than literal.
Aquarians do not offer up water in order to quench a person's physical thirst, but rather to quench the thirst for knowledge, as well as cleanse that person of negative behaviors and thoughts. Aquarians impart this wisdom, advice and knowledge freely to anyone who asks or demonstrates the need.
One of the most apparent Aquarius personality traits is that of a humanitarian, a giver. Whether someone is in need of knowledge and enlightenment or needs a "pep talk" when feeling down, you can bet that the Aquarian will be there to offer support.
Aquarius Personality Traits
Now that you understand the general overview of the Water Bearer, here are some more specific Aquarius personality traits.
Emotional experiences and dealing with emotions themselves tends to be difficult for the Aquarius. This seemingly emotional detachment is what tends to make the Aquarian appear a bit cold and remote when it comes to deeply emotional experiences. It isn't that Aquarians are unemotional people in general, it just takes them awhile to really let people into their lives. Once they let their guard down, Aquarians are very passionate and loyal people.
Beware if you cross the Aquarian though, because once someone has done wrong by them it is difficult, if not impossible, for them to forget about the wrongdoing and completely forgive the person who committed the transgression.
As stated before, the Aquarius personality is that of a humanitarian. They have a strong desire to serve in philanthropic and charitable endeavors. Their societal beliefs are very idealistic in the sense that they believe that one of their main purposes in life is serving to benefit the greater good of mankind. It's not uncommon to see an Aquarian volunteering at the local homeless shelter or generously donating money to various charities.
Aquarians do not like to be boxed-in. If an Aquarian feels like he or she is backed into a corner, the person committing this huge mistake will no doubt be on the receiving end of that Aquarian's temper, which can be explosive. Not only that, the typical Aquarius tends to hold onto bitter feelings and resentments. So, if you cross and Aquarius, don't expect to be welcomed back with opened arms.
The Aquarian lifestyle is a little on the unconventional side because the Aquarius personality is naturally a bit rebellious and non-conformist. People born under this sign are less than thrilled with the rigidity of typical "nine-to-five" work schedules so they often hold less conventional jobs in which the schedule varies. Better yet, they choose jobs that allow them the freedom to make their own schedules and march to their own drums. Just take a look at the following famous Aquarians and you'll see what we mean.
Oprah Winfrey
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bob Marley
Charles Darwin
Abraham Lincoln
Sir Francis Bacon
A Final Word About the Aquarius Personality
Aquarians are extremely social people, but they also like their personal space. They are often at their best in social settings and work well with groups. Their need for personal time and space is a bit of a paradox for social butterfly Aquarians, but they find their balance between the two.
However, finding that balance between the need to both be alone and be with people may be easier for Aquarians than it is for their partners, making it difficult to figure out if the water bearer is having a social or anti-social day. For this reason more than any other, it would be wise for the Aquarian to find someone that shares a compatible zodiac sign.
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