Friday, May 23, 2008

What Is My Astrological Moon Sign
From LoveToKnow Horoscopes
If you've never asked yourself, "What is my astrological moon sign?", you should! Moon signs are the second most important signs in astrology, second only to the sun sign

What are Moon Signs?
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The moon rules your personality differently from the sun. It rules the emotions, and rather than telling you how people perceive you (as the sun does), it tells you how you perceive yourself.
In addition, the moon is the ruler of your emotions. If you know a lot about the Cancers of the zodiac, you'll know that their ruler is the moon, and if you know any Cancers personally, you'll know that they can be intensely emotional. It's a similar concept. Wherever the moon is involved, so is emotion. The moon sign is important because it describes your emotional state, what you need to feel secure and how you respond to love.
So, What Is My Astrological Moon Sign?
To determine your moon sign you will, of course, need your birth date just like with sun signs. However, when it comes to the most accurate method of finding out what your moon sign is, you also need your birth time.
One quick and easy way to not only find out what your moon sign is, but also what that means for your personality and life in general, is to consult a chart like the one at 0800 Horoscope. This is a bare bones site, but it delivers the goods. Simply type in all the necessary information (birth date, place of birth and time) and you'll be able to answer the question, "What is my astrological moon sign?"
What It Means
Just as with the sun signs, moon signs are split into four categories:
Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Earth: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo
Fire: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo
This is just like the arrangement of sun signs that most of us are familiar with. Your sun sign may be in the Air group while your moon sign is in the Fire group. So, what does it mean to have a moon sign in any particular group? Consider the following.
The Air Signs
Gemini: Geminis are very sociable and witty, but they tend to be surface oriented. Geminis tend to shy away from intense displays of emotion. People who have their moon in Gemini are prone to talking through their emotions and crave attention.
Libra: Librans tend to be crowd pleasers, but they're fairly balanced and make excellent diplomats. They can also be fickle. Despite magnificent ideas, they tend to lose steam before a project is finished. When it comes to their emotional nature, Librans like to talk difficulties out and abhor any perceived injustices.
Aquarius: Aquarians are well known for their detachment, so don't be surprised if they ask you questions when you say you love them! A person with their moon sign in Aquarius is not the jealous type. In addition, they're very honest and trustworthy.
The Water Signs
Cancer: Cancers tend to live inside their own heads to a degree. They're sensitive and have great memories, but they are sometimes hesitant to venture outside of their imaginations. Just as people with their sun sign in Cancer, people with their moon sign in Cancer tend to be homebodies.
Scorpio: Scorpio moon signs are intelligent, but can be perceived as cold and calculating. Truth be told, they are only trying to protect their feelings. They're particularly choosy when it comes to inviting you into their life. They're secretive, sensual, emotional and strong.
Pisces: Pisces moon signs want to make the world a better place, and they'll make the necessary sacrifices to do so. They're loyal and have big imaginations, but they're also the most secretive of all the moon signs.
The Earth Signs
Taurus: Strong, determined and very sensual, people with their moon in Taurus make great friends despite their stubbornness and their habit of challenging their romantic relationships.
Capricorn: Strong, stable and secure, Capricorn moon signs project an air of confidence and can-do spirit. When it comes to their feelings, these moon signs are not fickle; if they say they love you, they mean it.
Virgo: Sociable and clear-headed, Virgo moon signs can be critical of others and very opinionated, but this is really just their way of showing love. Look past their critical nature, and you'll find a moon sign that truly would do anything for you.
The Fire Signs
Aries: Aries can easily become bored, so they like to keep things exciting. The balance to this is that they are honest, so what you see is what you get. You won't have to guess how this moon sign feels about you.
Sagittarius: Those with their moon in Sagittarius tend to be body-conscious perfectionists who need their independence. Despite the need for independence, they tend to attract friends effortlessly and they're always willing to lend a helping hand.
Leo: Leo moon signs are very driven and energetic. They're determined, exciting and even romantic. Naturally charismatic, these people are natural leaders.
A Final Word
Your moon sign works well with your sun sign to make you an individual. Your moon sign influences the way you deal with emotions and the way you see yourself. All you need is your birth date and time to get started.
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Gemini Personality

Gemini Personality
From LoveToKnow Horoscopes
Ruled by the planet Mercury, the Gemini personality has a duality that others find charming and frustrating in equal amounts. People born between May 21 and June 21 are included in the mutable air sign of Gemini.

Adventurous, youthful, independent Gemini!

General Gemini Personality Traits
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Gemini people have quick minds, and constantly seek out new knowledge. Most Gemini prefer to learn by doing. They love to see the world, meet as many people as they can, and have as many experiences as possible. They are not homebodies, but energetic and adventurous souls that remain youthful throughout their lives.
Gemini tends to be the life of any party with lively mannerisms, a quick wit, and the ability to embellish a story about the most mundane experience and make it seem magical. Gemini personalities crave the limelight and know how to keep it shining in their direction.
People born under this astrological sign seem at home in almost any situation because of their ability to adapt to new things. This is a by-product of their love of novelty and the famous Gemini independence that keeps them from becoming too attached to a particular set of circumstances.
The Downside
Gemini is the sign of duality; the other side of the Gemini personality can be brooding and sometimes even mean. A Gemini can go from being a delightful companion to a moody antagonist in very short period of time. When this happens, it is best to just walk away and leave that person to his/her dark mood.
An ability to accept opposite circumstances and their love of new concepts can, at times, make Geminis indecisive. If making a decision becomes too difficult and boring, Gemini may just simply walk away to find new and more pleasant circumstances.
Independence and restlessness can make the Gemini personality seem superficial to others. Geminis are charming to all people that they meet, and do not seem to show special favor to anyone. Their attention can seem arbitrary when they become bored and decide to move on.
Gemini as a Child
This precocious little star will be a handful for his parents! Gemini children pay very close attention to the world they live in, and learn to master its circumstances at an early age. Their love of communication and attention to life's little details make them brilliant conversationalists at an early age.
Gemini children have a wiry, kinetic nature that keeps them moving constantly. It is best to have many structured activities for them to do to keep their energy directed in a focused way. If they are allowed to become disinterested and are left to their own devices, you may find that they have dismantled the blender or gone backpacking without you!
Gemini as Romantic Partners
Not for the faint of heart, Gemini requires an intelligent, adaptable, and tolerant mate. You will never be bored with a Gemini partner; they are always seeking a new adventure. By the same token, you will need to be imaginative and clever, and be able to adapt to the ever changing environment created by this sign. If you are unable to keep up, the Gemini personality will grow weary of the relationship and move on.
Gemini as Workers
If the job is interesting and appealing, the Gemini will get more done before lunch than his co-workers will accomplish all week. If the task at hand seems mundane and boring, he will procrastinate for a short time before moving on to a more challenging career.
Gemini personalities love to be informed about all that is going on at the work place, they will look to their co-workers for input and advice. In spite of their insistence on being in the limelight, they are great team players.
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Gemini Cusp

Gemini Cusp
All About the Cusp
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Before discussing the Gemini cusp, it’s helpful to understand about the cusp itself. The dates used to define the length of the zodiac signs are not as rigid as you may think. In fact, they're actually quite malleable. This is because the sun never enters an astrological sign at a set time (this time varies from year to year). To lessen confusion, astrologers use set dates to encompass the various astrological signs. The start and end dates of this length of time are called cusps. True to definition, this can literally mean “on the brink” of a breakthrough.
The Gemini Cusp and Taurus
The Gemini cusp that begins close to Taurus is roughly between May 19 and May 23. Individuals lucky enough to be born on a cusp date will tend to have the characteristics of both signs.
Think of it as a Gemini Taurus blend. This can be confusing and downright disconcerting to these cusp natives, but it shouldn’t be. Think of the very best traits these two signs have to offer. For example, people born on the Taurus Gemini cusp have the ability to take in many different kinds of information (Gemini) and the ability to be steadfast in their resolve (Taurus). Imagine all of the wonderful possibilities life would have to offer someone with characteristics like these! Famed news anchor, business mogul, professor laureate; these are all titles that can be yours!
Of course,life is not always a bed of roses, so certain traits that you may not particularly like may also be present. For example, you may find yourself upset for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or you may spend a large amount of your time trying to hide feelings of jealousy. Few people like to contemplate the characteristics they have that aren’t particularly pleasant, but doing so can be a wonderful opportunity for growth. The important thing here is to keep these traits in perspective.
The Gemini Cancer Cusp
Similarly, the Gemini Cancer cusp that begins between June 19 and June 23 also yields a blend of the different signs’ energies. Having a Gemini Cancer cusp can be particularly beneficial to the Cancer energy in your chart; Gemini can be the perfect balance to Cancer’s sensitive nature.
Further still, this balanced energy may help you take a more detached view of life's problems as opposed to other signs that may feel overwhelmed by their emotions. It may not sound like much, but truth be told, being able to put some distance between you and your “problems” is a terrific skill to have in your life-coping arsenal.
A disadvantage of this particular Gemini cusp may be that others may perceive you as being less than forthright. Or, they may simply think that you run hot and cold. This could cause a few disruptions in life, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. Most folks like to feel secure in their intimate relationships, but if you assure your partner that you do indeed love/care for him or her, things should smooth themselves out over time.
A Final World
One key complaint many cusp natives have is that they are not sure which sign to read for. The truth is, you should really read for both, as well as your rising sign in order to get the big picture. Even though this may seem like more work, think of it as an opportunity to find out more information about yourself. Not only will it give you a wider context to understanding your monthly (or yearly) horoscopes, but it will also serve up a bevy of lucky days for you to choose from. Who wouldn’t love that?
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Aries Personalities

Aries Personalities
About Aries Personalities
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Before we can discuss some of the more famous Aries personalities, it would help to have a working understanding of Aries' basic characteristics.
Aries are:
Warm hearted
Concerned about appearances in the social and personal sense
Committed to what they believe in
Born leaders
A bit headstrong
Now let’s take a closer look at two prevalent Aries myths.

Aries Myths
The first Aries myth is that their favorite color is red.
The second is that they have a tendency to walk with their heads bowed slightly forward in front of their bodies. Like most myths, both have a grain of truth to them.
The penchant for the color red is easy to see. After all, your ruler Mars’ nickname is the Red Planet! In fact, the Aries association with Mars usually lends an overall "ruddiness" to the Arian complexion. Aries natives tend to become flushed when angry, upset or embarrassed.
With an Aries sun sign, there is also a tendency towards head injuries and fevers. This can also be true if you are not an Aries, but have a preponderance of Aries signs in your natal chart, or in your sixth house (the house of health and service).
All of this fiery energy lends itself to the direct, bold and frank Aries personality. When you want to know the unabashed truth, turn to an Aries sun sign!
Famous Aries
With their natural leadership ability and personal charm, the list of famous Aries personalities is quite long. Below are a noted few.
Aries Gloria Steinem
Born March 25th, 1934, Gloria Steinem is an American original. Outspoken, witty and sharp, her now legendary 1962 piece in Esquire magazine gave voice to the constant female dilemma: have a career or raise a family? This preceded “The Feminine Mystique’’ by one year.
Controversial to boot, Ms. Steinem has taken flack from both “radical” feminists and those who are completely against the movement. In 2000, she sent tongues wagging again when she married David Bale (he died three years later). Through it all, she has remained true to her pioneering Aries personality.
Aries Marlon Brando
Marlon Brando, born April 3rd, 1924, is widely recognized as one of the most influential actors of all time. His movies A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront brilliantly illuminate the Aries conflict between the need to show a tough exterior while concealing their own inner tenderness. Outside of his film work, he also was an activist for the civil rights movement and the American Indian Movement. Marlon Brando died July 1st, 2004.
Aries Frank Serpico
A theme is emerging among our Aries personalities, and it’s one of knowing when to take a stand and when to lead. Perhaps no Aries to date exemplifies these qualities more than Frank Serpico. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York on April 14th, 1936, Frank Serpico wasn’t looking for fame when he became a New York City police officer.
During the early 1970s, the NYPD was known for its rampant corruption, something Serpico refused to have any part in. He was shot, under suspicious circumstances, during a drug bust on February 3rd, 1971. Not just shot in fact, but shot in the face (head trauma is usually indicative of an Aries sun sign).
The bullet penetrated his cheek, just below the eye, until finally coming to rest at the top of his jaw. Saved by an elderly Hispanic gentleman who happen to live in the apartment adjacent to the one being used by the suspects, Frank Serpico went on to expose the corruption within the force.
In 1971, he was hailed a hero, given a gold shield by the police department and promoted to detective. The award-winning film Serpico, starring Al Pacino, is based on these real life events.
Aries Mariah Carey
Admittedly, songbird Mariah Carey did not have it easy. Born in New York City on March 27th, 1970 to a multiethnic family (mom is of Irish decent, dad is African American and Venezuelan), Mariah endured racial slurs, hostility and sometimes even violence. This in turn forced the family to relocate numerous times, before her parents finally divorced when she was three.
Mariah, however, in true Aries fashion, was and is, resilient! She had a gift, and in 1990 the whole world would get a chance to hear it. Throughout her tumultuous life and through the good and ill of stardom, people the world over know that when Mariah Carey stands up to sing, we’re all about to hear something pretty special.
Putting It All Together
Whether you have an Aries sun, or are another sign with numerous planets in Aries, take inspiration from these famous Aries personalities. Note that none of them had an easy time of it, but because they were true to themselves, their voice and their ethics, they were able to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. If they can do it, you can as well!
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Aquarius Personality

Aquarius Personality
Looking for a little insight about your Aquarius personality traits? Perhaps someone you know is an Aquarius and you just want to understand that person better. No matter what your reasons may be, here is some Aquarius information that is sure to help.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer
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The Aquarian symbol of the water bearer, a depiction of a man carrying two buckets of water, does not mean that those born under this sign are destined to serve others (the act of bringing water to people). Quite to the contrary, the Aquarian carries water in order to cleanse and make new. The water is more symbolic than literal.
Aquarians do not offer up water in order to quench a person's physical thirst, but rather to quench the thirst for knowledge, as well as cleanse that person of negative behaviors and thoughts. Aquarians impart this wisdom, advice and knowledge freely to anyone who asks or demonstrates the need.
One of the most apparent Aquarius personality traits is that of a humanitarian, a giver. Whether someone is in need of knowledge and enlightenment or needs a "pep talk" when feeling down, you can bet that the Aquarian will be there to offer support.
Aquarius Personality Traits
Now that you understand the general overview of the Water Bearer, here are some more specific Aquarius personality traits.
Emotional experiences and dealing with emotions themselves tends to be difficult for the Aquarius. This seemingly emotional detachment is what tends to make the Aquarian appear a bit cold and remote when it comes to deeply emotional experiences. It isn't that Aquarians are unemotional people in general, it just takes them awhile to really let people into their lives. Once they let their guard down, Aquarians are very passionate and loyal people.
Beware if you cross the Aquarian though, because once someone has done wrong by them it is difficult, if not impossible, for them to forget about the wrongdoing and completely forgive the person who committed the transgression.
As stated before, the Aquarius personality is that of a humanitarian. They have a strong desire to serve in philanthropic and charitable endeavors. Their societal beliefs are very idealistic in the sense that they believe that one of their main purposes in life is serving to benefit the greater good of mankind. It's not uncommon to see an Aquarian volunteering at the local homeless shelter or generously donating money to various charities.
Aquarians do not like to be boxed-in. If an Aquarian feels like he or she is backed into a corner, the person committing this huge mistake will no doubt be on the receiving end of that Aquarian's temper, which can be explosive. Not only that, the typical Aquarius tends to hold onto bitter feelings and resentments. So, if you cross and Aquarius, don't expect to be welcomed back with opened arms.
The Aquarian lifestyle is a little on the unconventional side because the Aquarius personality is naturally a bit rebellious and non-conformist. People born under this sign are less than thrilled with the rigidity of typical "nine-to-five" work schedules so they often hold less conventional jobs in which the schedule varies. Better yet, they choose jobs that allow them the freedom to make their own schedules and march to their own drums. Just take a look at the following famous Aquarians and you'll see what we mean.
Oprah Winfrey
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bob Marley
Charles Darwin
Abraham Lincoln
Sir Francis Bacon
A Final Word About the Aquarius Personality
Aquarians are extremely social people, but they also like their personal space. They are often at their best in social settings and work well with groups. Their need for personal time and space is a bit of a paradox for social butterfly Aquarians, but they find their balance between the two.
However, finding that balance between the need to both be alone and be with people may be easier for Aquarians than it is for their partners, making it difficult to figure out if the water bearer is having a social or anti-social day. For this reason more than any other, it would be wise for the Aquarian to find someone that shares a compatible zodiac sign.
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