Monday, November 10, 2008

Some History Of Astrology

Since the emergence of time when man first looked up at the stars and planets and was awestruck by their beauty people have tried to understand their significance. This is the unadorned cause of present astrology and in part of present astronomy.. The chronicle of astrology reaches back to antique and has played a part in many cultures all through out soul saga. If the Moon or a planet rose or set sooner or ahead than predicted it was full as an ill forecast. The recent word horoscope is resulting from the Greek word horoscopes which actually means the rising. Many of the prominent antiques Greek mathematicians and philosophers counting most notably Ptolemy himself studied astrology which was in the brains the astronomy of their day. Their contributions to recent western astrology also contain a precise solar calendar with standardized houses and the twelve sun signal of the zodiac. Just as significantly the Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered the precession of the equinoxes.
During the inside or unhappy ages astrology like many other arts and sciences was more or fewer absorbed for a time. Combining with the dawn of more recent scientific astronomical instruments counting of course the telescope the Renaissance astrologers were able to chart the stars and planets with bigger accuracy then ever before. They included the celebrated Galileo Galilei, Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler who not only skillful astrology but laid the foundations of fresh astronomy.
The forgotten one hundred existence has seen a great originate in advantage about astrology and a great demand for horoscopes. The new mountain media have provided widespread access to astrology and horoscopes are now available in newspapers, magazines and the internet. The newest astronomical technology has been use producing ever more accurate star charts and new planets have even been discovered and incorporated into the astrological techniques. The stimulate of astrology on the course of human history is fractious to costing but astrology is certain to be adept well into the future.

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