Monday, November 10, 2008

Importance of Birth Chart

The birth chart or natal chart in Sanskrit is then called "Janma Kundali". By definition a horoscope depicts the position of all the planets in heaven for given date, time and sun sign. The horoscope indicates the position of each planet with respect to the 12 zodiac signs. Each Zodiac sign represents 30 degrees of movement for each planet and the 12 Zodiac signs represent 360 degrees movement of each planet. Ascendant or Lagna: Saturn is the slowest planet among Vedic astrology planets. Every place on the surface of the earth has a unique ascendant sign and ascendant degree among the 12 zodiac signs at any given date and time of birth. The Ascendant point signifies the exact eastern horizon at the exact date, time and place of birth of a person. The Ascendant sign in the chart is also known as the first house of the chart. If the Ascendant sign is Aries in a horoscope chart, then the next zodiac sign in the anticlockwise direction is Taurus. Similarly each of the 12 zodiac signs will then represent 12 houses in the chart. So the natal horoscope chart signifies the individual planet positions in different zodiac signs and the ascendant and 12 houses in the chart based on the date, time and place of birth. Dasha Chart: Every birth chart has a dasha chart, which starts from the date and time of birth and is unique for every individual. Once the starting point is computed from the birth chart, then it must follow the sequence given above. To analyze smaller time durations in a person's life, the Dasha system (Planet Main Period) can be further sub-divided into Antar Dasha (sub-period) or it can be further divided into 3 rd level of Pratyantar Dasha (sub-sub periods). Theoretically we can create charts even to 5th level covering few hours of a person's life, which is called Sukshma Dasha.
Besides there are different opinions among Vedic astrologers on which moment during birth constitutes the actual birth time. The dasha system reflects that planets deliver their natal promises during their period, sub-period and sub-sub periods as per the person's chart.

Introduction To Chinese Astrology

Chinese astrology existed ever since the Qin family when astrologists would gawk and study the skies for omens to predict what would happen to the country. Now people from all over the world are interested in the Chinese zodiac and have checkered what their Chinese horoscopes would be, just as they would with the Western horoscopes. The zodiac is a twelve year cycle and each year is named after the twelve animals, the dog, rabbit, horse, ox, rat, monkey, rooster, boar, dragon, tiger, sheep, and wind. In Chinese astrology, a qualities's qualities, guise, sensation and happiness can be determined through his or her zodiac. Chinese horoscopes also pedestal its predictions on the five elements depending on which earth the self was untaught under. Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood and Water correspond with the planets Saturn, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury. Nevertheless Chinese astrology, remark from basing the zodiacs on the persona's birth year, also determines the characteristics and persona of a part through the months (central animals) and the hours (riddle animals). Even in the gift circle Chinese astrology is still being looked into. Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai zodiacs all stand theirs from the Chinese with trifling differences such as the names/labels of their animals and the replacement with different animals. The influence of the Chinese to many cultures around the world is so great that even Chinese horoscopes are being consulted and Chinese astrology is still depended on in Chinese communities around the world.

Some History Of Astrology

Since the emergence of time when man first looked up at the stars and planets and was awestruck by their beauty people have tried to understand their significance. This is the unadorned cause of present astrology and in part of present astronomy.. The chronicle of astrology reaches back to antique and has played a part in many cultures all through out soul saga. If the Moon or a planet rose or set sooner or ahead than predicted it was full as an ill forecast. The recent word horoscope is resulting from the Greek word horoscopes which actually means the rising. Many of the prominent antiques Greek mathematicians and philosophers counting most notably Ptolemy himself studied astrology which was in the brains the astronomy of their day. Their contributions to recent western astrology also contain a precise solar calendar with standardized houses and the twelve sun signal of the zodiac. Just as significantly the Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered the precession of the equinoxes.
During the inside or unhappy ages astrology like many other arts and sciences was more or fewer absorbed for a time. Combining with the dawn of more recent scientific astronomical instruments counting of course the telescope the Renaissance astrologers were able to chart the stars and planets with bigger accuracy then ever before. They included the celebrated Galileo Galilei, Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler who not only skillful astrology but laid the foundations of fresh astronomy.
The forgotten one hundred existence has seen a great originate in advantage about astrology and a great demand for horoscopes. The new mountain media have provided widespread access to astrology and horoscopes are now available in newspapers, magazines and the internet. The newest astronomical technology has been use producing ever more accurate star charts and new planets have even been discovered and incorporated into the astrological techniques. The stimulate of astrology on the course of human history is fractious to costing but astrology is certain to be adept well into the future.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Debunking Astrology

Astrology is said to be the discipline that teaches us how to create horoscopes and use the positions of celestial bodies, to understand and interpret Human existence on Earth, at least that what it says on I often encounter articles and comments questioning whether astrology is a science or trying to prove or disprove astrology in scientific terms. Personally, I don't see how an analogy between astrology and modern day science can be drawn. Science and astrology are two very different disciplines, based on very different principles. Science follows the principles of experimentation, observation and inference, scientific principles must have theoretical or mathematical proof that must always be consistent. Although astrology has it's own set of well defined principles, they very different to those of science.
In spite of what many astrologers may claim, astrology is not without limitations and before we can go about proclaiming astrology a science or otherwise, we have to understand what these are. Astrology (Vedic) is believed to be the product of divine inspiration and was imparted to the Hindu sage, 'Bhrigu' by the Goddess of wealth, 'Mahalakshmi'. This knowledge was recorded in ancient sacred texts, of which only remnants still remain. As explained on, science and astrology are base on diametrically opposite points of view, in that science is still grappling with compelling questions about the Universe, about the creation of the Universe, the possibility of parallel Universes, that infinitesimally small fraction of a second after the Big Bang and the beginning of time.
Our knowledge is so limited that these questions themselves sound absurd. For instance, the twin Vedic planets, 'Rahu' and 'Ketu' are unique to Vedic astrology. The colour of 'Rahu' is black and that of 'Ketu' is grey. The similarity between 'Rahu' and 'Ketu' and black holes is quite striking, the opposite end of a black hole is thought to be a white dwarf. Another case in point and also featured on, is the relevance of the number, '108', which is the number of beads in a Hindu prayer bead rosary. The Sun's diameter is about 108 times that of the Earth's and the distance between the Earth and the Moon is approximately 108 times the Moon's diameter. In my opinion, in order to explain or debunk astrology, a scientist would have to first understand and be well versed with the principles of astrology and should be able to practice astrology. In addition to being used to make predictions about the future, Vedic astrology also allows for remedial measures, through the use of gemstones, talismans, prayer ceremonies, chanting of Mantras etc.
According to the ancient Vedic scriptures, a parallel Universe, complete with planets, stars, constellations etc exists in the human body. Vedic astrology recognizes nine planets, twelve zodiacs and 28 constellations. When we on Earth pray to or appease the power representing a planet, by acquiring it's gemstone or Yantra, we are actually tapping into the power of the planet, present in our own parallel Universe. What we have to remember is that astrology notwithstanding, everybody goes through good times and bad times. The basic principle of astrology is that deeds and actions (karam) are above all. Just like God, astrology helps those, who help themselves, but using our knowledge of astrology, we can change the influences of astrological forces, so we can make more of good times and reduce the negative effects of bad times.

Astrology-Transits of The Planets

As the planets slowly move along the zodiac each day, they pass through the different houses of your natal horoscope and make different aspects with the positions of your natal planets. The effect of a transiting planet depends on where it is, with respect to the planets and houses of your natal horoscope. The day-to-day changes in your life depend on the transits of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. their transits throughout the aspects are measured in days and weeks. The duration of a transit effect also depends on whether the transiting planet is in retrograde motion on your date of interest.
The effect of a planet's transit throughout a natal house is felt over the duration of its stay in that house. However the duration of the effect of a transiting aspect may be somewhat shorter that the duration of the planet's stay in each sky position (1/3 sign). Transits of the Sun:
When the Sun transits an inner planet, it may trigger a dormant aspect between that inner planet and a slower moving outer planet. If a planet is being transited by another planet when it is being transited by the Sun, the effect of the transit is strengthened. Transits of the Moon:
For more information logon to .The effects of the transiting Moon, as it makes aspects with your natal planet positions, are often felt for only a matter of hours. Transits of the Planet Mercury:
Mercury spends about a week in each natal house. Transits of the Planet Venus:
Venus spends about three weeks in each natal house. Venus is the planet of love and material pleasures, so that its transits bring different degrees of enjoyment. The effects are felt as subjective experiences rather than as urges to action.