Saturday, December 16, 2006

Do You Believe In Astrology

Do You Believe In Astrology

By Luc De Jaeger
Whenever people talk about astrology the question of "a belief" arises. It's as if the human mindset instinctively associates astrology with "a belief."
Whenever people ask me if I believe in astrology, I respond to the question with another question: "What is a belief?" and I give them my answer right away.
A belief is everything you have not touched, not seen, not heard, not smelled, everything you have not lived and not experienced, everything that has not become part of your own life and existence and that has not become part of your own reality.
It's everything beyond your imagination, coming from another dimension you have not experienced yet, you are not aware of (yet) but that, nevertheless, exists somewhere for the ones who have experienced, researched or lived it.
In the world of the elephant, goldfish don't exist, even if they do exist in our own (human) reality. They are just part of another reality that we, human beings are able to live and experience. But not the elephants.
It's so difficult for so many people to live in reality, to be aware of other dimensions. Instead of judging and questioning who's right or wrong, they would better try to know more about it, the pros and the cons, the way it works or does not work and when it works or does not.
THAT would bring awareness to another dimension and bring far more insight. It would raise human consciousness; something our world needs so deeply.
Some medical doctors "believe" in natural healing, others only "believe" in high-tec solutions and others only "believe" in drugs. It depends on their mindset, experience and own reality.
Some astrologers only believe in the "ancient" deterministic schools, some others rely on psychological feelings and free will and yet others are more into the influence of the Asteroids. It all depends on their mindset and experience.
Saying that astrology is a "belief" is judging astrology without having experienced or researched it. It's up to you to raise your consciousness and awareness by doing your own research -- with respect to all topics and events in life. And if you want to research astrology, be sure to research and judge "astrology" and not the astrologer!
Luc De Jaeger is a jurist and astrologer, living in Belgium. In 2003 he founded Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) to bring astrology of a high standard to a wider audience and to research the connection between astrology and life events. He can be contacted through his web site
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